This article will look at the soon coming world-wide smart grid (or the 5G network); artificial intelligence (A.I.); the D-Wave quantum computer, and see how these technologies will usher in the New World Order, where a central government will rule the planet.
Also called the "internet of things," the smart grid (i.e. the 5G network) will link a network of appliances, cars, computers, thermostats, tablets, and cell phones. A smartphone will be able to access and turn on any appliance in the house. "Artificial intelligence" software will guess, with great accuracy, what one's personal preferences are.
Imagine that you are shopping at a grocery store, and a tone comes from your cell phone. Pulling it out, you glance at the screen and see that your refrigerator is telling you that you need more milk. Sensors in your refrigerator, using "A.I." software, will be able to identify that the milk in the jug is low and will then send a signal to your cell phone, suggesting that you purchase more milk.
Such technology will soon be available. By the year 2020, many countries will have 5G networks and interlinked, "smart" appliances. While this technology is very convenient, it comes with side effects. One is that the "internet of things" will be connected to powerful super computers which run A.I. software. Also, it is certain that quantum computers, such as D-Wave Systems' quantum computers, will be running the "internet of things" behind the scenes.
[In a different article, at this link, we will look into the D-Wave quantum computer, look at strange words spoken by a co-founder of D-Wave Systems, and discuss the implications for our near future. The article is titled: "QUANTUM COMPUTERS AND THE COMING OF THE "GREAT OLD ONES" (OR FALLEN ANGELS)"]
Every networked device or appliance in your home, or on your person, will be monitored by the A.I. network of computers. You will lose much of your privacy. Special ads could be easily tailored to fit your personal habits. If you like coffee with coffee syrups, it is possible that video screens in grocery stores could instantly access data from your smartphone and advertise coffee syrups and brands even when you are not in the coffee aisle. If you purchase store items with your phone, you will probably be targeted by ads.
Also, with a high-speed "internet of things," autonomous vehicles (or self-driving cars) will be much more reliable and efficient than ever before. It is possible and likely that self-driving cars will begin to take over the roads. If you want to go to work, you could just use your smartphone to connect with a self-driving taxi. Since no human would be present to drive it, the cost for a taxi would be much more affordable.
But, it is possible that microphones inside the autonomous taxi will record every word you say and send the recording of your voice to a network of A.I. supercomputers to analyze and store your words. Authorities might use this technology to solve crimes. But, you will be spied on by such technology too.
We've mentioned A.I. So, let's look into it briefly. "Artificial intelligence" today is computer software that can take in data and develop its own computer code (which it runs off of) to be able to better understand and process that data. This is often called "machine learning." Today, we can create software for powerful computers so that they can simply study a complex board game being played (or a complex task), "learn" how to play by watching, and then beat the world's best game masters (or other professionals).
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(Supercomputers. Pixabay. Free images.) |
Such a scenario happened on March 19, 2016 when Google's AlphaGo software, which is considered to be a type of A.I. software, defeated Lee Sedol, a master player of the ancient Chinese game called Go. It is a very complex game and it is impossible for non-A.I. software to play and win.
Artificial intelligence software is improving all the time. I believe it will be the "brain" behind the coming global government of the New World Order. A network of computers, running A.I. software, will run the world and monitor everything that takes place within the view of cameras, sensors, and microphones.
With this global computer system in place, the person God's word calls "the beast," or the Antichrist, will be able to control the world and make sure almost all the world is under his feet. He will have an accomplice called "the false prophet," who will lead the world to worship the Antichrist and to worship the devil. The false prophet will also require all people to receive a mark in their hand or forehead. But, God will lead His church out into places of safety.
However, some Christians will not make it and will be arrested and killed for refusing to take the mark of the beast. The Bible warns that all who take it will be very hardened against God and will have chosen their destination, which Revelation chapter 14 says is Hell and eternal torment.
Revelation 14:9-11
"[9] And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, [10] The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: [11] And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." [End quote]
It would be utterly foolish to sell one's soul to the devil by taking the mark of the beast. Now, this mark will clearly be shown as a mark of citizenship in a global government. It will be also a means by which people can by and sell. Likely, the mark of the beast will be something that is digital and is networked to an "internet of things." Without it, people will not be able to buy or sell (Revelation 13:17), but God will provide for His true Church, as Jesus said in Matthew 6:33. So, the true Church will have all of its needs met by God.
Matthew 6:31-33
"[31] Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? [32] (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. [33] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
In these last days, in which we live, it is important to have a close, intimate relationship with Abba Father God through Jesus Christ.
➠ If you would like to know Abba God the Father and Jesus Christ (God the Son), and be saved from sin, click here to read more.
Excerpt from a related article:
The topic of quantum computers and the arrival of strange entities to our planet sounds like science fiction, but it is not. People today are working on developing existing technology, such as quantum computers, to usher in a global network of "A.I." computers, which will be the skeletal structure of a coming global government. And, while this global government and its A.I. network falls into place, strange entities are supposed to be coming to the earth too.
[Read more here at this post:]
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