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(A painting of Jesus with a child. Click for source. Note: We do not endorse the religious views of the painter, who is a Mormon. But, this painting does show God's love for us.) |
Romans 16:10-15 mentions the names of people Paul personally met. These names have important meanings in Greek. In this article, we will show the name meanings from Romans 16:10-15 along with some other nouns. Amazingly, these name meanings,* when placed together in the order in which they appear in the Bible, form a secret message: a message from God. (*Note: These are name meanings which God revealed to me based on concordances and Bible dictionaries.)
At the very end of this article, we have placed a secret message which was formed out of Greek name meanings from Romans chapter 16, verses 10 through 15.
Now, let's look at each Greek word of significance and see what dictionaries and concordances have to say about them. After we give each word meaning from reference works, we will include a spiritual meaning, revealed by God. I encourage anyone reading this to seek God about this message and about these words, if he or she would like to.
The words we will look at are arranged in the exact order found in the Bible in Romans 16:10-15. We list them below as they appear in the Bible, starting with Aristobulus:
Aristobulus, Herodion, Narcissus, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Rufus,
Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, Philologus, Julia, Nereus, Olympas, and saints.
The Word Meanings of the Above List
Strong's Number: 711
Name Meaning: "From the same as ariston and boule; best counselling;..." Ariston means "the best meal" or "dinner". Boule means "advise, counsel."
Spiritual Meaning: ("The best counsel")
Name: Herodion (Herodion)
Strong's Number: 2267
Name Meaning: "From Herodes;..." Herodes is a "Compound of heros (a "hero") and eidos;..." Eidos means "appearance," "shape," "sight".
Spiritual Meaning: ("The appearance of a hero")
Name: Narkissos (Narcissus)
Strong's Number: 3488
Name Meaning: According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Narcissus means "astonishment" or "stupidity".
Name: Truphaina (Tryphena)
Strong's Number: 5170
Name Meaning: According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Tryphena means "delicate" or "delicious".
Name: Patrobas (Patrobas)
Strong's Number: 3969
Name Meaning: "... a contraction for Patrobios (a compound of pater and bios); ..." Pater means "father". Bios means "life" and "living".
Name: Hermes (Hermes)
Strong's Number: 2060
Name Meaning: Hermes is "... from ereo; Hermes, the name of the messenger of the Greek deities;..." Ereo means to "call, say, speak of, tell."
Name: Philologos (Philologus)
Strong's Number: 5378
Name Meaning: "From philos and logos;..." Philos means "Properly, dear, i.e. A friend;..." Logos means "a word, the Word". It is "From lego; something said (including the thought); by implication, a topic ..."
Name: Ioulia (Julia)
Strong's Number: 2456
Name Meaning: "Feminine of the same as Ioulios; Julia, ..." Ioulios is "Of Latin origin; Julius,..." Julius is a name that refers to one being of the Roman god Jupiter, according to several sources.
Name: Nereus (Nereus)
Strong's Number: 3517
Name Meaning: "... from a derivative of the base of naus..." Naus refers to a "boat" or "ship". According to Britannica.com, we have this definition: 'Nereus, in Greek religion, sea god called by Homer “Old Man of the Sea,”...'
Strong's Number: 2267
Name Meaning: "From Herodes;..." Herodes is a "Compound of heros (a "hero") and eidos;..." Eidos means "appearance," "shape," "sight".
Spiritual Meaning: ("The appearance of a hero")
Name: Narkissos (Narcissus)
Strong's Number: 3488
Name Meaning: According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Narcissus means "astonishment" or "stupidity".
Spiritual Meaning: ("Astonishment")
Name: Truphaina (Tryphena)
Strong's Number: 5170
Name Meaning: According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Tryphena means "delicate" or "delicious".
Spiritual Meaning: ("Delicate")
Name: Truphósa (Tryphosa)
Strong's Number: 5173
Name Meaning: According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Tryphena means "thrice shining".
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who is thrice shining.")
Name: Persis (Persis)
Strong's Number: 4069
Name Meaning: According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Persis means the "same as Persia".
Name: Truphósa (Tryphosa)
Strong's Number: 5173
Name Meaning: According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Tryphena means "thrice shining".
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who is thrice shining.")
Name: Persis (Persis)
Strong's Number: 4069
Name Meaning: According to Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary, Persis means the "same as Persia".
Spiritual Meaning: ("Of Persia")
Name: Rhouphos (Rufus)
Strong's Number: 4504
Name Meaning: "Of Latin origin; red;..." (acc. to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance).
Name: Rhouphos (Rufus)
Strong's Number: 4504
Name Meaning: "Of Latin origin; red;..." (acc. to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance).
Spiritual Meaning: ("Red, as in blood")
Name: Asugkritos (Asyncritus)
Strong's Number: 799
Name Meaning: "From a (as a negative particle) and a derivative of sugkrino; incomparable;..." Sugkrinó means to "compare, combine".
Strong's Number: 799
Name Meaning: "From a (as a negative particle) and a derivative of sugkrino; incomparable;..." Sugkrinó means to "compare, combine".
Spiritual Meaning: ("Incomparable")
Name: Phlegon (Phlegon)
Strong's Number: 5393
Name Meaning: "Active participle of the base of phlox; blazing;..." Phlox is "From a primary phlego (to "flash" or "flame"); a blaze -- flame(-ing)."
Strong's Number: 5393
Name Meaning: "Active participle of the base of phlox; blazing;..." Phlox is "From a primary phlego (to "flash" or "flame"); a blaze -- flame(-ing)."
Spiritual Meaning: ("A flame or light")
Name: Hermas (Hermas)
Strong's Number: 2057
Name Meaning: According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Hermas is "... from Hermes;..." Hermes is "... from ereo; Hermes, the name of the messenger of the Greek deities;..." Ereo means to "call, say, speak of, tell."
Strong's Number: 2057
Name Meaning: According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Hermas is "... from Hermes;..." Hermes is "... from ereo; Hermes, the name of the messenger of the Greek deities;..." Ereo means to "call, say, speak of, tell."
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who speaks" Or, "One who bears a message")
Strong's Number: 3969
Name Meaning: "... a contraction for Patrobios (a compound of pater and bios); ..." Pater means "father". Bios means "life" and "living".
Spiritual Meaning: ("The Father is life")
Name: Hermes (Hermes)
Strong's Number: 2060
Name Meaning: Hermes is "... from ereo; Hermes, the name of the messenger of the Greek deities;..." Ereo means to "call, say, speak of, tell."
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who speaks" Or, "One who bears a message")
Name: Philologos (Philologus)
Strong's Number: 5378
Name Meaning: "From philos and logos;..." Philos means "Properly, dear, i.e. A friend;..." Logos means "a word, the Word". It is "From lego; something said (including the thought); by implication, a topic ..."
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who loves the Word")
Name: Ioulia (Julia)
Strong's Number: 2456
Name Meaning: "Feminine of the same as Ioulios; Julia, ..." Ioulios is "Of Latin origin; Julius,..." Julius is a name that refers to one being of the Roman god Jupiter, according to several sources.
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who was of Jupiter")
Name: Nereus (Nereus)
Strong's Number: 3517
Name Meaning: "... from a derivative of the base of naus..." Naus refers to a "boat" or "ship". According to Britannica.com, we have this definition: 'Nereus, in Greek religion, sea god called by Homer “Old Man of the Sea,”...'
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who was of Nereus" Or "One who was of a pagan god of the sea")
Name: Olumpas (Olympas)
Strong's Number: 3652
Name Meaning: "Probably a contraction from Olumpiodoros (Olympian-bestowed, i.e. Heaven-descended); Olympas,..." Olympas refers to a mountain where Greek gods were thought to dwell.
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who once served false gods")
Name: Hagios (saint)
Strong's Number: 40
Name Meaning: Hagios means "most holy, saint." Thayer's Greek Lexicon also defines hagios as: "set apart for God, to be, as it were, exclusively his;..."
Spiritual Meaning: ("Saint"; Or, "One who is sanctified by the blood of Jesus"; Or, "One who is set apart to God")
The words we looked at above are arranged in the exact order found in the Bible in Romans 16:10-15. We list them below as they appear in the Bible, starting with Aristobulus:
Aristobulus, Herodion, Narcissus, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Rufus,
Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, Philologus, Julia, Nereus, Olympas, and saints.
Put these significant name and word meanings from Romans 16:10-15 together, and they form these paragraphs below:
The best counsel. The appearance of a hero. Astonishment. Delicate. One who is thrice shining. Of Persia. Red, as in blood. Incomparable. A flame or light. One who bears a message. The Father is life. One who bears a message. One who loves the Word. One who was of Jupiter. One who was of Nereus: Or, one who was of a pagan god of the sea. One who once served the false gods of Mount Olympas. Saints (i.e. those who are set apart to God through the blood of Jesus).
Here is a paraphrased version:
The best counsel [comes as the] Hero [(Jesus)] appears. [Though the world is] astonished [and] fragile, One who is thrice shining [comes, bringing to] Persia [(which represents all the world since it was a large empire)] [His] blood, [which is] incomparable. [Jesus is the] bright light [and He] bears a message: The Father is life. [This] One, who bears a message, loves the Word [and is the Word].
[He or she] who [once] served Jupiter, [and] who [once] served Nereus [(a pagan god of the sea)], and who [once] served the [false] gods of Mount Olympas [has become a] saint, set apart to God [through the blood of Jesus].
In Part 1, we saw a secret message in the name meanings from Romans ch. 16, vs. 1 through 10.
In Part 1, we looked at a secret message in Romans chapter 16, verses 1 through 10 (i.e. Romans 16:1-10). It was formed out of word and name meanings. We put the significant name and word meanings from that passage together (in the order they appeared in the scripture passage), and they formed these paragraphs below:
[Again, here are the names and words we looked at in the order they appear in the Bible: Phebe, Cenchrea [a place], Priscilla, Aquila, Christ, Jesus, church, Gentiles, church, house, Epaenetus, Achaia [a place], Christ, Mary, Andronicus, Junia, Christ, Amplias, Urbane, Christ, Stachys, Apelles, Christ.]
One who walks in the light [goes to] a place of buying and selling grain [which is, spiritually, a place of much fruit]. [The One who is the] Ancient [of days is like an] eagle.* [He is] the Messiah; the LORD is salvation.
[The] Church [has been] called out [from] the nations [and] the Church [has become God's] house. [They shall have] commendation, laud, [and] praise.
Trouble and grief [came to] the Messiah [for our sins]. It [grief] makes bitter. [Jesus is the] man of victory. [Now, he who once served a false god, who was] one who belonged to Juno, [through] the Messiah, [he shall be] enlarged. [Jesus is] polite and considerate [and He is] the Messiah. [Jesus was] held up [and] established. [He is] separated [or set apart from the world and He is] the Messiah.
[* Note: The eagle (i.e. the meaning of Aquila) refers to God's ability to see all things and know all things. That is what God showed me.]
➠ If you would like to know Abba God the Father and Jesus Christ (God the Son), and be saved from sin, click here to read more.
Name: Olumpas (Olympas)
Strong's Number: 3652
Name Meaning: "Probably a contraction from Olumpiodoros (Olympian-bestowed, i.e. Heaven-descended); Olympas,..." Olympas refers to a mountain where Greek gods were thought to dwell.
Spiritual Meaning: ("One who once served false gods")
Name: Hagios (saint)
Strong's Number: 40
Name Meaning: Hagios means "most holy, saint." Thayer's Greek Lexicon also defines hagios as: "set apart for God, to be, as it were, exclusively his;..."
Spiritual Meaning: ("Saint"; Or, "One who is sanctified by the blood of Jesus"; Or, "One who is set apart to God")
The words we looked at above are arranged in the exact order found in the Bible in Romans 16:10-15. We list them below as they appear in the Bible, starting with Aristobulus:
Aristobulus, Herodion, Narcissus, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Rufus,
Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, Philologus, Julia, Nereus, Olympas, and saints.
Put these significant name and word meanings from Romans 16:10-15 together, and they form these paragraphs below:
The best counsel. The appearance of a hero. Astonishment. Delicate. One who is thrice shining. Of Persia. Red, as in blood. Incomparable. A flame or light. One who bears a message. The Father is life. One who bears a message. One who loves the Word. One who was of Jupiter. One who was of Nereus: Or, one who was of a pagan god of the sea. One who once served the false gods of Mount Olympas. Saints (i.e. those who are set apart to God through the blood of Jesus).
Here is a paraphrased version:
The best counsel [comes as the] Hero [(Jesus)] appears. [Though the world is] astonished [and] fragile, One who is thrice shining [comes, bringing to] Persia [(which represents all the world since it was a large empire)] [His] blood, [which is] incomparable. [Jesus is the] bright light [and He] bears a message: The Father is life. [This] One, who bears a message, loves the Word [and is the Word].
[He or she] who [once] served Jupiter, [and] who [once] served Nereus [(a pagan god of the sea)], and who [once] served the [false] gods of Mount Olympas [has become a] saint, set apart to God [through the blood of Jesus].
In Part 1, we saw a secret message in the name meanings from Romans ch. 16, vs. 1 through 10.
In Part 1, we looked at a secret message in Romans chapter 16, verses 1 through 10 (i.e. Romans 16:1-10). It was formed out of word and name meanings. We put the significant name and word meanings from that passage together (in the order they appeared in the scripture passage), and they formed these paragraphs below:
[Again, here are the names and words we looked at in the order they appear in the Bible: Phebe, Cenchrea [a place], Priscilla, Aquila, Christ, Jesus, church, Gentiles, church, house, Epaenetus, Achaia [a place], Christ, Mary, Andronicus, Junia, Christ, Amplias, Urbane, Christ, Stachys, Apelles, Christ.]
One who walks in the light [goes to] a place of buying and selling grain [which is, spiritually, a place of much fruit]. [The One who is the] Ancient [of days is like an] eagle.* [He is] the Messiah; the LORD is salvation.
[The] Church [has been] called out [from] the nations [and] the Church [has become God's] house. [They shall have] commendation, laud, [and] praise.
Trouble and grief [came to] the Messiah [for our sins]. It [grief] makes bitter. [Jesus is the] man of victory. [Now, he who once served a false god, who was] one who belonged to Juno, [through] the Messiah, [he shall be] enlarged. [Jesus is] polite and considerate [and He is] the Messiah. [Jesus was] held up [and] established. [He is] separated [or set apart from the world and He is] the Messiah.
[* Note: The eagle (i.e. the meaning of Aquila) refers to God's ability to see all things and know all things. That is what God showed me.]
➠ If you would like to know Abba God the Father and Jesus Christ (God the Son), and be saved from sin, click here to read more.
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